You receive the Dry-Smart Alu with a ready-made laundry frame, which you can flexibly attach to the ceiling.
Choose a spot for your drying rack that is no less than 30 centimeters and no more than 1 meter from the wall. Hold the frame against the ceiling and mark the corners with a pen.
Now attach the ceiling rollers "D" to these markings. Depending on the nature of the ceiling, you will need the appropriate dowels.
The four wall rollers are located in a beam that you can attach up to 15 centimeters below the ceiling with just a few screws.
Attach the wall hook to the wall exactly under this roller beam. Choose a height between 1 and 1.5 meters that is comfortable for you.
Now you can cut the fastening rope into four parts. Two sections should be a little longer. You need this extra length to run the ropes across the width of the drying frame. Now guide each rope through one of the wall pulleys. Get help keeping the ropes taut so they don't slip out of the ceiling pulleys while you thread them.
Now pull the drying rack up to the ceiling and straighten it using the four ropes. Tie a knot in the ropes so you can hang the knot on the wall hook. To achieve a suitable working height, tie another knot with the tumble dryer down.
If you want multiple working heights, start with the highest and gradually tie more knots for deeper settings.